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George Sucuzhanay

Chelsea, NY, Class of 2021


High school

Aviation High School

Hi, I’m George, a front-end developer from Queens, NY. I am passionate about building excellent websites that improves the lives of those around me. I am currently working on programming projects in preparation of a major in Computer Science. I am also teaching myself ReactJS and JavaScript in order to build a web app on financial literacy. I am continue to learn new programming skills and am open to learning even more. I am working hard to prepared myself in my career and am attending CS programs and tech webinars online.

Moolah Financial Literacy App
Independent Project

Mullah's Financial Literacy website targeted high school teens and immigrant communities and allowing financial resources such as banking and credit cards to become better financially literate. The lack of information on these demographics is one of my reasons for building this website. I am currently working on it using ReactJS with a launch in Feb 2021.
Future Vision

Collaborated with fellow student engineers in building a website for a mock non-profit organization. The website's purpose is to exposing students to a variety of career paths and help them find their passions and obtain resources to improving career skills.