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Chigozirim Ifebi

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2023


High school

Elmont Memorial Junior-Senior High School

Hi! My name is ChiChi (short for Chigozirim) and I was a participant of Code Next's first online cohort (Creative Coding and Python On The Pi gang). In my free time, I like to read (YA romance please!), chat with my friends, play mobile games, and binge stan twitter memes or trash TV. I love all facets of tech, but my interests lie in the fields of data science, software engineering, cybersecurity, and web development.

Shut Eye
Code Next Project

Interactive animation in which an eye is controlled by the movement of the user’s trackpad. At a 9PM (in any timezone), the lid of the eye closes and is not interactive anymore. It opens back up again after 9 hours.