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Francelys Lomeli

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2022


High school

Lindblom Math and Science Academy

Next steps

Illinois Institute of Technology


Francelys is a high school senior who aspires to major in Computer Science and become a software engineer. She discovered her coding interest once she found herself comfortable and able to express herself through programming languages. She was first introduced to coding in her Web Design class. Her interest has since then grown, and she has participated in hackathons, coding fellowships, and internships. As of now, she is familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, C++, and p5.js.

Portfolio Project
Independent Project

Independent project based on personal portfolio showcasing projects and involvements.
GIF Project
Independent Project

As my interest in APIs and their functionality rose, I created this GIF project. You can input anything and an GIF related to the submitted input will appear.