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Camila Rivera de Jesús

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2024


High school

Lexington High School

I am an aspiring computer science engineer, who has always had a passion for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Currently, I am the captain of my school's VEX robotics team, enrolled in multiple summer programs such as Kode with Klossy, and am a winner of the NCWIT Aspirations for Computing award. These are some activities that have helped me developed my skills in STEM. As an inquirer, I constantly try to broaden my areas of knowledge and enjoy applying my own interests to them. Working to master programming, I hope to one day become a hispanic tech company owner.

Steak World
Code Next Project

Essentially, my goal with this project was to experience what it would be like if I programmed a webpage for a company, in this case a restaurant. With it, I practiced using flexbox and CSS animations in web development, along with being able to debug my code faster. Considering the time crunch, I am a little proud of being able to reach all the goals I had set during the drafting process.
A funky beat
Code Next Project

I consider myself quite musically inclined, so creating a song was definitely something that intrigued me. Personally, I am a fan of funky and alternative music, which is why I decided to pursue the genre in my project. My biggest challenge while programming was aligning each track by decimals, as a perfectionist I could not let go of those measurements. However, that led to me creating a song that glides smoothly, which I am very satisfied with in the end.