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Brianna Williams

Oakland, CA, Class of 2022


High school

Oakland High School

Hi I’m Bri! I’m a Black and Pansexual 17 years old who attends Oakland High. Im a really fun and outgoing person. I enjoy creating new things and being able to express myself in my own unique ways but I also love working and collaborating with other people. I pride myself on having a strong work ethic, being independent and responsible, and being a helpful and kind person to others. Everyday is a new opportunity to become a better version of myself and I’m grateful for everyone who has helped me so far in my journey!

Honey Glow
Independent Project

My independent project shows off my small business. It’s more of a inside look on what I do and what I make, but also what I learned from Launch 2020 that helped me while working ways of promoting and branding my business. It also reintroduces me so anyone who views it can get a better ideas of who I am and who’s the face behind my company!
Explaining the "Angry Black Woman" Stereotype
Independent Project

This is a video I made as a class project focused around the topic of BLM. The path idea I decided to tackle was the myth of the Angry Black Woman, since I am a black young adult female myself with a strong female lineage. This video is to educate and explain the struggles of a black woman in America, and to show that yes we are angry, but we are so much more as well. The video isn't meant to offend any one but to bring awareness to the topic.
Air Free & Free

This is the first big project I've done at Code Next, it was actually a group project with some of my closest friends for hack-a-thon. Its not perfect but it was the beginning of something special. The reason I chose this was because of the impact it had on my future. After coming in third at Hack-a-thon for this site and attending CSSI I got really into creating websites. My knowledge came in especially handy because ever since then people have been hiring me to create websites for them. The project was such a big moment for us that we actually created a tester app for it, and it means a lot to me.