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Christie Cadette

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2023


High school

Coral Glades High School

I'm a junior at Coral Glades High School who writes, designs websites, and engages with political organizing initiatives outside of school. I'm passionate about learning and I pursue this through political theory, computer science, graphic design, writing, and more. I enjoy exploring the intersections of all my skills and interests, which allows me to implement unique approaches -- both to the projects I support and the ones I spearhead. ⭐️ From political interning, tinkering with code (hey Code Next! 👋🏾), web design, presiding over my own club, or competing in others -- at my core is a love for learning and involvement.

Independent Project

.COMM (Community, Communication, and Commitment) was envisioned to be the starting point for an app for organizers and activists from all circles to connect, find new causes, and communicate in a comfortable, safe, and conducive way. With the help of three other scholars, I wireframed, coded, and designed the app in Xcode using Swift in less than a week.