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Faith Fuller

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2023


High school

George School


Faith is a student at George School in Pennsylvania. As an engineer in the Code Next Connect program, she created a painting game using p5.js in the Creative Coding club and a weather monitor in the Python on the Pi club. Since graduating from Code Next, Faith has continued to develop her coding skills through robotics and data science research.

Painting Game
Code Next Project

I created the painting game in the Creative Coding class. The game allows you to create a digital image using the pen function. Using your mouse, you could chose different colors to draw with and erase using the white paint.

Weather Monitor Using p5.js
Code Next Project

My weather monitor displays the current weather in any location in the United States using animations (e.g. rain, snow, sunny, cloudy). I created this project to learn more about how to use APIs and how to use the Raspberry Pi.