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Ikram Bennour

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2024


High school

Federal Way High School

Hi, my name is Ikram Bennour! I'm Algerian- American and currently a junior at Federal Way High School. I'm a creative person and love channeling my energy into the arts. I enjoy painting, making ceramic pieces, creating UI designs, coding, cafe- hopping, and going on runs:) I hope to major in Graphic Design or Computer Science in the future and a hobby I'm currently pursuing is filmmaking/ creating youtube videos. I signed up for Code Next Connect with a passion to connect with other people through code, and needless to say, the plan did definitely did not fail. I got the opportunity to connect with so many other peers, as well as, supportive coaches and mentors. Code Next allowed me to create creative pieces digitally, which truly helped me expand my vision. Nice to meet you all and hope to see everyone in person very soon! 🤍

Code Next Project

I created a study website with my partner for the first quarter of Google Code Next Connect. I thought to myself, what is something that I really need right now? And the answer was organization. Since I was in Dual Enrollment, which meant I was taking college classes, it was very easy to get unorganized. My UI of this website was based around creating a safe space for students to study and feel motivated in their work. I conveyed my vision to my partner and she was just as excited as I was. So, we started talking about some features we could add, and decided the main page should be a calendar and some sort of assignments list. I chose a vivid color scheme to brighten up your study session and, we created a POMODORO timer link, as well as, some 'About Us' pages. I'm honestly pretty proud of our hard work, with the limited time we had and I'm excited to see how this website plays out.