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Thanhbinh Nguyen

Oakland, CA, Class of 2023


High school

Connecting Waters East Bay Charter School

Thanhbinh is a sophomore at Connecting Waters East Bay, and was exposed to coding at early age. Before joining Code Next Team Edge, she has been participating and learning computer programming at community college and Code Next clubs. Since joining Code Next in Fall 2019, she has participated in several learning clubs and learned Linux Administration, Android and iOS Development. She has also become a Team Edge member since Summer 2020—Learning HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Currently, she is working with the Raspberry Pi and learning about Machine Learning. In the future, she would like to apply her knowledge of coding in the medical field, and to build robots to assist and perform surgeries.

Raspberry Pi Learning
Code Next Project

For Team Edge Term 1, we learned how the Raspberry Pi works, how to display text on the small screen, and access webpages—To display texts, we use HTML/CSS and Python.
Code Next Project

In the Summer 2020, I joined a team to compete in a Hackathon that had participants from Harlem and Oakland. Our group worked on the online bullet journal. We use HTML/CSS and JavaScript to make the website on Glitch—our group won the website category.