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Jayden Pierrette

Connect (Online Program), Class of 2023


High school

Chapel Hill High School

Hello, I am Jayden Pierrette. I'm a 16 year old Sophomore at Chapel Hill High School in Douglasville, Georgia. I am a fun, strong-minded, and an active individual who enjoys learning new things and interacting with new people. I joined Code Next at the beginning of 10th grade and I've recently graduated from the inaugural online cohort. My time with Code Next has not only expanded my knowledge in tech, but has also helped me network with others who have to similar likes in the tech world. One day I hope to become a military analyst and use technology to further protect this country and the world for generations to come.

Code Next Project

MotivatedPrize is an application that allows students to be rewarded with keeping up with and completing assignments. I got the idea for this project by interviewing my friends and teachers at my school and coming to many conclusions regarding problems virtual classroom/online learning.