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Adrian Cardenas

Chelsea, NY, Class of 2021


High school

Memorial High School

Hello! My name is Adrian Cardenas and I am an aspiring programmer/computer scientist. Programming has always interested me because I love to take on problem-solving tasks using logic and reasoning! I have experience with C++, C, and Python and I plan to gain more experience using these programming languages in order to make a career out of my skills with them. I have a passion for both music and programming so it's my dream to one day develop my own music production software.

Earsketch Remix
Code Next Project

WHAT IT IS: This project is a short remix of Common's "God is Love". I used a variety of the available effects, sound clips, and preset functions provided by Earsketch in conjunction with my skills in Python in order to code this remix. WHY I DID IT: It has always been a dream of mine to mix coding with music in order to create a sort of hybrid field of computer science and music production. I was able to do just that with Earsketch, and I want to use the knowledge I gained from this experience in the future, as I would like to one day create music production software. I would like to take inspiration not only from my project, but Earsketch as a whole.