How does Code Next work?


Code Next students receive programming (either through our physical Code Next Labs or through our Code Next Affiliate partners) to learn about computer science and problem solving. They become creative, computational thinkers.


Students develop into confident, purposeful makers as they engage in both solo and team projects during programming, which are typically after school and on the weekends. They produce websites, programs, and other demonstrations of their learning and interests.


Through community relationships, mentor-mentee relationships with real Googlers, and other courses, Code Next students mature into effective and ethical leaders, ready to take on the world.

What is the impact on Code Next students?


Percentage of our most recent 12th grade graduates accepted to and attending college/higher education programs.


Percentage of our most recent 12th grade graduates majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field in college.


Percentage of our most recent 12th grade graduates specifically naming “computer science” or “information systems” as their major.

Code Next is a free, computer science education program that meets Black, Latinx and Indigenous high school students in their own communities, and provides the skills and inspiration they need for long and rewarding careers in computer science-related fields. Between 2011 and 2018, Black, Hispanic and Indigenous college students each only made up 3.5 percent of computer science graduates — Code Next plans to change that.

Code Next Labs

We currently have four labs, located in 1) Oakland, California, 2) Chelsea, New York, 3) Detroit, Michigan, and 4) Inglewood, California. Students who live in or near any of these cities are eligible to apply for our in-person lab experience.

Programming is available for 9th-12th grade students who live in the vicinity of our labs. Topics range from web development and artificial intelligence to entrepreneurship. To learn more about our Code Next Labs program, check out our Code Next Labs page.

Code Next Affiliate

Nonprofits and school districts across the United States and Canada who serve students in spaces outside of our lab cities are eligible to become a Code Next Affiliate. Code Next supports Affiliates in delivering various club experiences that high school students can participate in. Club topics range from game design to hardware development. Affiliates also gain access to swag, branding, and opportunities to engage with Google developers and program managers.

To learn more about our Code Next Affiliate program, check out our Code Next Affiliate page.


The Code Next staff brings together coaches experienced in education, computer science, and engineering. Coaches represent our students' backgrounds and work to create a culture of inclusion, where everyone feels respected and connected to one another.


This work isn’t possible without our partners, who do incredible work in our students’ communities. Below represents a small sampling of the nonprofits, research organizations, and schools that we have worked with and/or currently work with.

Logo for The Unity Council.Logo for the MIT Media Lab.Logo for Education Development Center.Logo for Kurani.Logo for Raspberry Pi.Logo for Michigan Central.Logo for Code 313.Logo for Hollywood Park.